City Corner Project
Be part of this amazing Da'wah Effort!
“And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful”
About City Corner Project
MCAS proactively distributes a diverse range of printed publications such as books, brochures, and journals through an initiative called the City Corner Project. The publications are distributed for free, to the masses as a way of introducing Islam. We are delighted to share the increasing demand and positive response from both the public and existing partners.The City Corner Project is a collaboration between MCAS with business entities and private establishments to place free publications all over Singapore to support the objective of making Islamic publications accessible to the public and the heartlanders. Our publications represent the on-going effort to share information about Islam and promote a harmonious co-existence with believers of all faiths.
Adoption and participation
We are inviting your business/ mosque cluster/ school (delete where necessary) to be a part of the City Corner Project as we recognise that your establishment is successful to bring and attract a diversity of people together. We are keen to explore the opportunity to extend the City Corner Project to your premise.We are providing two options of participation. You may adopt either one or both options, depending on the space availability at your premise.
I. City Corner Project A2 Size Poster
Readers have access to resources that facilitate their understanding and interest of Islam by scanning a QR code. It additionally provides other services such as MCAS flagship “Knowing Islam Sessions” conducted by certified asatizah and teachers. Interested individuals can attend and ask questions to clarify their doubts or concerns about Islam.II. Standee/Brochure Compartment for Publications
Readers help themselves to the free publications on the standees or brochure compartments provided by MCAS. The publications will be replenished when required.If you are keen to join us in this noble intention, please click the button which will direct you to the registration form.
May Allah bless and reward you for assisting the spread of Islam to the community, Ameen.