What Is Islam?
'Islam' is an Arabic term which means submission and obedience to Allah. To submit to Allah means to follow His guidance, and one who follows His guidance is called a Muslim. Acceptance of Allah's guidance requires one to act and behave in a specific way. That is, one has to put it into practice. This reflects one's submission to Allah Himself. Allah's guidance covers all aspects of a man's life. That is why Islam is referred to as a complete way of life.
As a complete way of life, Islam gives guidance in respect of conducting man's private, social, political, economic, moral and spiritual affairs. It provides answers to man's most pressing questions on life, such as the purpose of creation, final destiny and man's place in the universe and among its other creatures.
Submission and obedience to Allah brings peace. And that is why the word 'Islam' also means 'peace' or 'as a means to establishing peace'. There is peace in everything. From the high mountain to the deep blue sea, from the bird in the sky to the worm in the soil, all submit to Allah's command in their own ways. Only by submitting to His commands they find peace in their existence and in their relations with the rest of the creation. There is no contradiction in His creation. Everything fits into the realm of creation perfectly and harmoniously to collectively form the universe.
To know more about Islam, you are welcome to attend our Knowing Islam Session. :) It is a one-session class for you to get some insights of the religion of Islam, and is conducted every weekend. Feel free to drop by at your own convenience.
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(Source: Essence of Islam Book)